{"created_at":"2023-06-21T08:43:23.000000Z","created_by":"https://api.calendly.com/users/HHFBOFOQ7FOTVN4X","event":"invitee.created","payload":{"cancel_url":"https://calendly.com/cancellations/a47a953e-6a98-40db-8ae3-37acb40d10e4","created_at":"2023-06-21T08:43:22.753259Z","email":"ridhigupta1606@gmail.com","event":"https://api.calendly.com/scheduled_events/4b3a869c-989a-4efc-8a3f-a6d209efaba5","first_name":null,"last_name":null,"name":"Ridhi Gupta","new_invitee":null,"no_show":null,"old_invitee":null,"payment":null,"questions_and_answers":[{"answer":"Reverse Thyroid (I am not on medications) & Release 10 kgs body weight","position":0,"question":"87 Days is what it takes to Energetically Realign your Hormonal Health. What is your top priority?"},{"answer":"Yes; I am and I will answer the remainder of questions to my best knowledge by taking time and NOT RUSHING through.","position":1,"question":"30 mins of your time will be invested in analyzing your Energetic knot and block which is the root cause of any health issue. 15 mins will be to walk you through the path of your DREAM HEALTH. Are you ready to open yourself to receive guidance ?"},{"answer":"- I don’t want to end up like most females in their later life, unhappy because of their bodies.\n- I really want to end my irregular periods patterns because I understand that is happening due to hormonal imbalance and it also causes irritability in me.\n- I got my tests done and got Thyroid (11) which is really high and I don’t want to get on medications.","position":2,"question":"IMPORTANT: 3 reasons why it is important for you to work on your ideal health goal NOW? Ensure to make the reasons as tangible as that's the pathway for our subconscious mind. So, WHY NOW ? DO NOT RUSH your answers."},{"answer":"I went gymming in 2017 & it worked very well for me. I reduced 5 Kgs within a month. Then I joined again in 2019 & again it worked, lost inches but didn’t lose weight. \nI can’t diet. Being on diet makes me feel sick. I understand I need to control certain foods but strict diets restrict my life. Now, in last November, I started doing yoga and I haven’t felt this happy about moving my body. I have fallen in love with yoga! ","position":3,"question":"VERY IMPORTANT : What have you tried earlier for your health goal ? What worked and what did not(diets, exercise) ? If it did not work, why do you think it didn't ?Elaborate on it as it will allow us to identify the pros and cons. DONOT RUSH."},{"answer":"Agree, I know these only give temperamental results and I am sick and tired of this.","position":4,"question":"Please: Am strongly against fad diets, juices, salads, shakes, hormonal pills & anything that is not aligned towards our health. I will never recommend any of these as part of my programs. If you are looking for such alternative, I am NOT the right one."},{"answer":"Yes, I have checked your website and want to learn more","position":5,"question":"IMPORTANT : If you do not know me and my work, I recommend you check my website. There are excellent client's life altering transformations. https://poornimavamsi.com/. It will allow you to make informed decision for your DREAM HEALTH."},{"answer":"I will check my email for ZOOM details and will login 2 mins before call. I will also be seated in a calm place to focus on my health call.","position":6,"question":"IMPORTANT : You will receive ZOOM invite on your email for our call. Check SPAM/Promotion folder & whitelist the address. Also, our call will be video based for a heart to heart conversation and for us to intuitively guide you to show the path."},{"answer":"2987$(Group Coaching: 100% guaranteed; else refund and we will work with you until you see results for FREE)","position":7,"question":"IMPORTANT : After 30 mins, if we see that we are good fit to work together and show you a path that guarantees results, what would you choose to invest on yourself for life-transformation money back guarantee results?"},{"answer":"Yes, ofcourse; 100% I will stay committed as I have the NEED now.","position":8,"question":" With what I coach, I released 30.8kgs, reversed Thyroid. I work with woman who have the BURNING URGE to bring their health on track. If we choose to work with you, will you stay committed to your HEALTH GOAL?"}],"reconfirmation":null,"reschedule_url":"https://calendly.com/reschedulings/a47a953e-6a98-40db-8ae3-37acb40d10e4","rescheduled":false,"routing_form_submission":null,"scheduled_event":{"created_at":"2023-06-21T08:43:22.735670Z","end_time":"2023-06-22T10:30:00.000000Z","event_guests":[],"event_memberships":[{"user":"https://api.calendly.com/users/HHFBOFOQ7FOTVN4X","user_email":"ppoornima_84@yahoo.com"}],"event_type":"https://api.calendly.com/event_types/FDC7KX6N25NH7EFU","invitees_counter":{"total":1,"active":1,"limit":1},"location":{"data":{"id":87514323729,"settings":{"global_dial_in_numbers":[{"country_name":"US","city":"Chicago","number":"+1 312 626 6799","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"New York","number":"+1 646 558 8656","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 646 931 3860","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Washington DC","number":"+1 301 715 8592","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 305 224 1968","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 309 205 3325","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 360 209 5623","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 386 347 5053","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 507 473 4847","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 564 217 2000","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 669 444 9171","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"San Jose","number":"+1 669 900 9128","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 689 278 1000","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 719 359 4580","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 253 205 0468","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Tacoma","number":"+1 253 215 8782","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Houston","number":"+1 346 248 7799","type":"toll","country":"US"}]},"extra":{"intl_numbers_url":"https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbcwqPRwE"}},"join_url":"https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87514323729","status":"pushed","type":"zoom"},"name":"Energetic Realignment of Hormonal Health","start_time":"2023-06-22T10:00:00.000000Z","status":"active","updated_at":"2023-06-21T08:43:22.735670Z","uri":"https://api.calendly.com/scheduled_events/4b3a869c-989a-4efc-8a3f-a6d209efaba5"},"status":"active","text_reminder_number":"+91 78894 41958","timezone":"Asia/Calcutta","tracking":{"utm_campaign":null,"utm_source":null,"utm_medium":null,"utm_content":null,"utm_term":null,"salesforce_uuid":null},"updated_at":"2023-06-21T08:43:22.753259Z","uri":"https://api.calendly.com/scheduled_events/4b3a869c-989a-4efc-8a3f-a6d209efaba5/invitees/a47a953e-6a98-40db-8ae3-37acb40d10e4"}}