{"created_at":"2024-01-14T03:55:29.000000Z","created_by":"https://api.calendly.com/users/686f324f-33dc-414e-97a5-8767af247251","event":"invitee.created","payload":{"cancel_url":"https://calendly.com/cancellations/8daced90-7981-4391-85a4-207aabf759b5","created_at":"2024-01-14T03:55:28.526531Z","email":"predragtesic72@gmail.com","event":"https://api.calendly.com/scheduled_events/68e64532-4e17-48dd-8453-fbfad4c375e4","first_name":null,"invitee_scheduled_by":null,"last_name":null,"name":"Predrag Tesic","new_invitee":null,"no_show":null,"old_invitee":null,"payment":null,"questions_and_answers":[{"answer":"Greetings, my name is Predrag but you can call me Peter i will be onay with that. I was born in Serbia but because of hard working and cruel life there i was prepared to move out and change country. So i moved to Germany. I have an highschool in direction of CNC operator. I have big diffrent job expiriance because i was working from my joung 14s years old till today. What expiriance i posses: Home building, Metal welding,CNC operating, some knowlege in IT, Building electric motors, Truck driver.\n\nMy current job is CNC operator in small firm in Germany. Because of low payment i was pushed to work more than one job just to live normal here. Right now i do 3 jobs just to pay bills and help my father with illnes. He is an hard Diabetic in stage 3. Because he cant work my family struggle a lot financialy. I cant help them much because of high cost of life in Germany. I barrely have any free time and i am wishing with all my heart to change something in this deady circle of depression and harsh truth about money and finaces. \nIn past i have paid 800€ for course about E-com. I learned a lot but didnt know how to use that in good way and not screw no body over in process. Then i stopped because i lost hope. I saw an AD on Instagram where you invest 3000€ in Bitcoin and that Firm could trade it for you so you get 9% in profit in 5 months. So i did that too. And i got screwed up and blackmailed. Even got really scarry messages per Emails and treats. So i stopped searching back for my money, even police or PayPal couldt track them down... :( \n\nThen i tried Forex trading and then that didnt going well too i have invested 2900$ what is about 2650€ in trading and lost it all. Well that was my fault in trusting fake friends from internet. Then i stopped with that too because i was losing allays money never gaining anything in plus. Then i was in big debt and i stopped with everything till year 2022 where i tried Affiliate marketing. Payed an course for 350$ plus some books to read and learn form them ( Rich dad Poor dad & Affiliate Merkering Ifluences) After 3 Months of learning much as possible i tried myself in that job too where i was working for an firm. Till the moment i was earning 1500€ but in the process i was screwing people for the money of the fake product that were fake makeups creams, fake meds for decresing fatt in body. I tried products myself and that was a scam. I even got a lot of reports and angry customers. I loved the monthy payment but i couldt do that anymore because i didnt want to have in my head that i have screwed somebody for 1500€ monthly. So i stopped with it and reffunded angry customers money. So i lost all hope in it too. So right now i am just in position of 50/50 trusting anybody. \n\nRight now i have couple hundred of dollars what i can invest in this but if this gets like three others investments i will really start to hate people and never trust anybody or myself. I hope you understand how my life went, and to help you understand me and my hope to change something to better...\n\nAnd i must mention that is better to call me on WhatsUp because its a german number. But i will show up on time no worries for that. \n\n","position":0,"question":"Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting."}],"reconfirmation":null,"reschedule_url":"https://calendly.com/reschedulings/8daced90-7981-4391-85a4-207aabf759b5","rescheduled":false,"routing_form_submission":null,"scheduled_event":{"created_at":"2024-01-14T03:55:28.491266Z","end_time":"2024-01-16T16:00:00.000000Z","event_guests":[],"event_memberships":[{"user":"https://api.calendly.com/users/686f324f-33dc-414e-97a5-8767af247251","user_email":"info@apollocapitalassets.com"}],"event_type":"https://api.calendly.com/event_types/7f6576a7-5b3b-491c-9151-f9379ea9d1d4","invitees_counter":{"total":1,"active":1,"limit":1},"location":{"data":{"id":87871086139,"settings":{"global_dial_in_numbers":[{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 646 931 3860","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Washington DC","number":"+1 301 715 8592","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 305 224 1968","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 309 205 3325","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Chicago","number":"+1 312 626 6799","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"New York","number":"+1 646 558 8656","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Denver","number":"+1 720 707 2699","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 253 205 0468","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Tacoma","number":"+1 253 215 8782","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","city":"Houston","number":"+1 346 248 7799","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 360 209 5623","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 386 347 5053","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 507 473 4847","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 564 217 2000","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 669 444 9171","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 689 278 1000","type":"toll","country":"US"},{"country_name":"US","number":"+1 719 359 4580","type":"toll","country":"US"}]},"extra":{"intl_numbers_url":"https://us06web.zoom.us/u/ktPQu51Ya"}},"join_url":"https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87871086139","status":"pushed","type":"zoom"},"name":"Become A Funded Trader Strategy Call Session","start_time":"2024-01-16T15:30:00.000000Z","status":"active","updated_at":"2024-01-14T03:55:28.491266Z","uri":"https://api.calendly.com/scheduled_events/68e64532-4e17-48dd-8453-fbfad4c375e4"},"scheduling_method":null,"status":"active","text_reminder_number":"+49 1522 1776032","timezone":"Europe/Berlin","tracking":{"utm_campaign":"20406447313","utm_source":"xxxxx","utm_medium":"xxxxx","utm_content":"xxxxx","utm_term":"xxxxx","salesforce_uuid":null},"updated_at":"2024-01-14T03:55:28.526531Z","uri":"https://api.calendly.com/scheduled_events/68e64532-4e17-48dd-8453-fbfad4c375e4/invitees/8daced90-7981-4391-85a4-207aabf759b5"}}